Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Moving Out!

Change is good, we are rolling with the punches.

Please follow me on my new blog. Click Here for a New Adventure

Podcasting for the Classroom

Podcasting is the new radio in 2013. The idea of podcasting is recently new and is one that will last a while. This idea is something that helps in all areas of life, not just schools. There are politics, news stations, media, churches, businesses and even teachers using this aspect of technology. Podcasting reaches hundreds of people just like the radio does but online, or mobile is you have downloaded it to a device fit for listening to something. It's use can be Mac or PC it is not just an Apple thing. In the words of Richardson, "podcasting is a highly polished professional radio." How about using Podcasting in Schools? Maybe you are a teacher and you are looking for help or just want to listen to education things, there are podcasts shows on all education topics. There are grade specific topics and subject matter. Perfect for a first year teacher =) Podcasting is a great communication tool for your students, for only about $100 this can be made possible for you entire class. Willow Web is a site where kids talk to kids,great site check it out sometime. It is very cute and encouraging to other students. Advice.... Before you introduce this idea to your students, fellow teachers or admin. make sure you test podcasting out. The more you are familiar with it the more you will be able to help others with the great tool.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Podcast: Reading of Brown Bear What Do You See?

Multimedia in the Classroom

The use of multimedia is GREAT because it can bring fun into the classroom, along with that it keeps everyone up to date in the class. Maybe a student misses a lot of class or students need something more to get involved, multimedia is the way to go!
iMovies are something that gets all students involved along with making the class more fun and being able to watch each others videos is something that is entertaining. Plus with the upcoming generation media is in their face at all time so iMovie is the perfect idea because they are watching a movie but also learning the lesson for the day.
Another media aspect is podcast. This is one thing that teachers forget but is one that can be the most helpful. Podcast can be used for substitutes, parents, student field trip reports and more. This tool is wonderful and helpful for all. All you need is a microphone and computer. It's one of the cheapest ways to use technology in the classroom.
Using multimedia is something that all students will want to use so we as teachers really need to learn and start using in the classroom. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Flickr or Not?

      I believe that Flickr is one of the best tools we have access to for images. I will use Flickr in the classroom for multiple things. I will use it to show the children about other countries and what is going on in that specific country. I will also use it to teach with other teachers around the world. This is a great way to communicate around the world without being able to go there.
      I actually just used Flickr yesterday for some research on an upcoming trip I am taking to Fiji. I wanted to see what the weather was like, also I wanted to see what the environment was like in the city I am traveling to. I believe Flickr is a wonderful tool for research, teaching and pleasure. You basically can see the world from the comfort of your home.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Copyrights, Fair Use, Design & Prezi... OH MY

Copyrights and Fair Use Rules 
The biggest key here is follow the chart. As teachers we will have so many other things to remember and memorize that the copyright and fair use laws we get lost and overwhelming to remember. So, print this chart off and keep it close to your computer when you need to get a picture for a presentation, or want to use a quote, or use a cartoon clip for your class.
But WHY should we do this. Number one reason is to set an example for our students. Next, it's the law. Finally, because it is ethical and responsible for us all to do. 

 Design Helps and Hurts
Chapter 6 in Presentation Zen, is a wonderful tool for everyone who is and will present anything in their life to have. There are tips to make every presentation perfect and organized. I know for a fact we all have sat through horrible Power Point slides and lecture, or even have presented a bad one. This chapter helps you conquer the common errors along with gives you ideas for the future business person in you. 
One element I knew about before the reading was less is more, which falls under Empty Space. I knew that having empty space was a good and clear way to present, but I was not familiar on exactly how to use it. The best tool I pulled from that section was that the empty space gives you a high quality product. Also, if you have a lot of information to tell don't be afraid to spread the love out among different slides. 
New elements I learned was the BIG Four, contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity. Contrast is all about using different elements to get your point across. Using shapes, colors, texture, size, space and types of items against one another is a great way to utilize contrast. Repetition is the idea of using the same or similar items throughout your entire presentation. The key here is moving the item that is be repeated. Don't just keep it the same size or location, move it or even remove it from some places. Alignment involves having good placement of words and picture. Also, having no randomness in the slides. Proximity means moving things closer or farther apart. Keeping similar items together lets the audience know that those things must be together to exist. This idea helps your audience the most, makes them work less during your presentation.
Making it Stick, I can see myself explaining these ideas to fellow classmates and students in the classroom when we present projects. I would probably even have a poster of the BIG Four ideas so students would see the importance of this idea. Also, I will always think of these ideas when I make a Power Point or presentation for anything. I actually just changed some slides on a Power Point for another class after reading this information.
This importance of knowing Design information is because of the audience. If you are ever going to present something you want your audience to walk away informed not more confused about the topic. I also, want to be confident in everything I present and this is a great tool to have.

Have you ever had unexpected guests at the last minute join you for dinner, or may you just wanted something sweet after dinner but didn't want to cook forever. Well here is a solution for all your worries. In my prezi is a delightful dessert that is QUICK, EASY & DIVINE. Kids, husbands, parents, and friends will love it. Prezi Presentation Check it out and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Helpful Sites

Copyright & Fair Use Form

Is your worksheet or quiz approved through copyright? Check it here to see if you have the right to use it.